Bloc can help drive people to your venue, hotel or event.

We make it easy for people to find venues, hotels and events in any given location.

We have various products and placements where you can feature your business.


1. List your hospitality business on Bloc Nearby


You can add your venue, hotel or event on Bloc Nearby for free.

The most liked listings appear at the top of articles, searches and key placements. This helps us rank listings based on genuine likes by Bloc users.

Why List on Bloc Nearby?

We believe there are too many websites out there that focus too much on reviews, where naturally people are too inclined to leave a negative review.

We want to celebrate the positives and help businesses reach more people.

We do this by allowing each user to like venues and give them the option to leave a positive comment.

No more stressing about bad reviews.

When you add your listing to Bloc Nearby we use the keywords and tags from your listing to place you in key articles so that you can be found all over the web.

Get started with Bloc Nearby today!


2. Get a dedicated review and get a Bloc certificate

We love trying out new venues, hotels and events.

If you’d like a review from us we’d love to hear from you.

We can write a dedicated review article that will be posted on Bloc Nearby, shared on our social channels and included within our newsletters.

You will also receive one of our certificates that you can display online or physically in your venue.

You can email us at [email protected] if you’d like a review and we’ll give you more details.



3. Get featured inside the app


Bloc Advertising allows you to create an ad that gets pushed to every Bloc app user within a 10 mile radius of your venue.

This helps increase check-ins to your venue within the app which will result in more people seeing your business.


Try Bloc Ads