Bloc is a social events platform that rewards people for attending venues and connects people before events.

We make it easy for people to find the best venues, hotels and events in any given location.


1. Find venues, hotels and events on Bloc

You can use Bloc Nearby or the app to find the best and most popular venues, hotels and events near you.

Bloc Nearby

The most liked listings appear at the top of articles, searches and key placements. This helps us rank listings based on genuine likes by Bloc users.

Bloc App

Inside the app we show users the most checked into places first as well as allowing users to connect with each other before they go. They can also earn rewards inside the app.


2. Get rewards and cash for attending venues and events

We reward our users for attending venues and events with physical items and cash.

To get rewards users need to check-in to venues and events they’re attending on Bloc, the app. If they physically attend the location (tracked via geo-location) we reward our users our in-app currency (⭐).

These ⭐ can be exchanged for cash or $BLOC.

$BLOC can be spent on Bloc Rewards on a wide range of prizes.


3. Connect with other people before you go

Users of the app can see other people who are also checked into the same venue or event as them on a particular date.

We allow people to connect and chat with each other before, during and after the event.

Bloc is great for making new friends, dating and business networking.


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